S3E6: AF: From Abercrombie Model to Footwear Titan, Joe Peters of Vasque

From Abercrombie model to balancing life and work as the marketing director for famed shoe brand Vasque, Joe Peters is Attempting Fatherhood.

Where to Listen

Joe Peters and his social media maven wife, Kate from Wit And Delight, didn't want kids at first, then they had two within 17 months of each other which had Joe eying the emergency exit on the plane. Thankfully, he stuck around and talks about work/life balance between all-hands dad ("I'm a dad first") and the marketing director for Vasque Footwear (a division of Red Wing).

He talks about how alot of the families he met had boring parents and he and Kate didn't want that life. One day they met a "really cool couple" that had kids too and they realized it can be done. We get into how his dad was really busy but now is very hands on with Joe's son and that possible tension, how important it is for fathers to keep doing what makes us unique and lastly his Dadvice for keeping sane.

Thanks for sharing the show and listening! We are at nearly 400 Attempters on IG so make sure you join in the mix and keep passing it on to other dads who need a good laugh and to feel not so alone in our struggles, wins and insanity!

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