Bonus Pod – Different Types of Resistance Training

Mike gets a little geeky and breaks down the different types of resistance training and why you should know the difference.

Where to Listen

There is so much information on training out there. There are only three types of training that you should concern yourself with if you want to look and feel better. These three types are high volume, high intensity, and absolute strength training. High volume training is lots of work done at a moderate level of intensity, and it serves you well for hypertrophy (muscle gain). High-intensity training is a medium or low amount of work done at extreme levels of intensity (muscular failure and beyond.) Strength training or training for maximal strength gain is often a varied level of amount of work done with extremely low reps. Another aspect of the three varieties that differentiates them is the rest between sets. With high volume, you want to use shorter rest periods as trauma, and lactic acid buildup in the muscles you’re targeting is more important than performance. With strength training, rest is very long between sets because you want to be able to perform highly, and that is all. You would periodize all three styles into your routine in a perfect world, but you should make one style a majority piece that best suits your goals.
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