062 Thibault “TIBS” Parise French Skateboarder on a longer deck who sells Clay..

062 Thibault "TIBS" Parise A French Skateboarder on a longer deck who sells Clay..

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062 Thibault “TIBS” Parise A French Skateboarder on a longer deck who sells Clay..

You may need an interpreter for this episode as Tibs speaks Fringlish which is a cross between French and English….. Just play the episode at half speed and you will be OK… Tibs talks about how he came to skate on longboards after breaking his shortboard and only having the longboard he used to get to the skatepark with him, and ended up liking riding the longboard more. I support that fully, skate what works for you, anyone who tells you what to ride is a complete Kook in my book.

Tibs skates fast and does tricks I certainly can’t do on my mid size board.. He also owns a business called Clayer which imports Non Toxic Green Clay from France for pain relief etc….. I have used it many times and it’s also great on cleaning wounds, extracting the toxins etc…… or at least it worked well for me.. I am not a physician, so these statements are not approved the the FDA, FTC, FBI, IRS, ABC, or any other judgemental tyranical organization.

Being a longboarder he knows all about narrow minded and foolish thinking, and we talk about that like being told he couldn’t ride in a skate contest because he wasn’t a skateboarder(seriously??), and the realities of having value as a skateboarder when someone needs you, and that door closing in your face when someone more valuable comes along(I’ve definitely felt that door before)…