Episode 30 | Olympic Lovin’ | Internet Trolls

DeHuff talked about the Olympics trying to cut down on the athletes having sex by giving them beds made out of cardboard.
McCormick is hiring a 'Director of Taco Relations', and that may be the best job in the world.
Australia accidentally made their Olympic mascots, furries.
When giving a semen sample gets really awkward.
Mac and Cheese ice cream and failed products.
And the sad and dark world of internet trolls.

Where to Listen

DeHuff talked about the Olympics trying to cut down on the athletes having sex by giving them beds made out of cardboard.
McCormick is hiring a 'Director of Taco Relations', and that may be the best job in the world.
Australia accidentally made their Olympic mascots, furries.
When giving a semen sample gets really awkward.
Mac and Cheese ice cream and failed products.
And the sad and dark world of internet trolls.