Kara & Caleb – Who Do You Want To Be Through This?

Who do you want to become through this?That's a question that @lisaolivera asked her Instagram community recently and truthfully, it's a question that we haven't stopped thinking about.So, on this week's episode, we pulled from some of our favorite inspirational humans on Instagram, and share their words and process some of their wisdom and questions about how we can rest in the unknown and respond to everything happening in the world around us.Coronavirus has been a disruption to everything that we know and experience as normal. It’s stripped many of us of our jobs, our work, our outings, our gatherings. It’s been disorienting and created fear and grief and an entire range of pain. At the same time, it’s been a pause button to many of us — offering us the space to gaze inward at the things that arise in us when life goes unexpectedly. As always — we believe that the greatest transformation in life is found in the questions. As we are all called into a collective question of “what will happen?” and “what’s next?”, we have a great opportunity to allow this time to be one that shapes us, molds us, transforms us, and invites us into transformation.We are sending you love and peace your way, and we mean it when we say, we are all in this together. On this episode- we’ve got wisdom from:Lisa Olivera: @lisaoliveratherapyDr. Anna Roth: @drannarothChristine Owenell: @christineowenell See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Where to Listen

Who do you want to become through this?That's a question that @lisaolivera asked her Instagram community recently and truthfully, it's a question that we haven't stopped thinking about.So, on this week's episode, we pulled from some of our favorite inspirational humans on Instagram, and share their words and process some of their wisdom and questions about how we can rest in the unknown and respond to everything happening in the world around us.Coronavirus has been a disruption to everything that we know and experience as normal. It’s stripped many of us of our jobs, our work, our outings, our gatherings. It’s been disorienting and created fear and grief and an entire range of pain. At the same time, it’s been a pause button to many of us — offering us the space to gaze inward at the things that arise in us when life goes unexpectedly. As always — we believe that the greatest transformation in life is found in the questions. As we are all called into a collective question of “what will happen?” and “what’s next?”, we have a great opportunity to allow this time to be one that shapes us, molds us, transforms us, and invites us into transformation.We are sending you love and peace your way, and we mean it when we say, we are all in this together. On this episode- we’ve got wisdom from:Lisa Olivera: @lisaoliveratherapyDr. Anna Roth: @drannarothChristine Owenell: @christineowenell See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.