The Modern Working Mom: A Guide To Re-Entering The Workforce After a Break

Career Coach Cindy Lish helps stay-at-home moms return to the workforce after a break. She shares steps to take to make it happen!

Where to Listen

According to this survey, most moms take breaks from their careers. Still, it’s challenging and it’s stressful for women. My guest helps moms overcome that challenge!

Cindy Lish is an accomplished career coach who empowers Stay at Home moms with the confidence, tools and skills to successfully return to the workforce. A former stay at home mom of two wonderful children, Cindy is passionately helping the world, one woman at a time. She truly understands what it feels like to think that your decision to raise your family means that you will NEVER be able to return to the workforce. She has empowered over 600 women in all industries and levels, to find jobs they truly love.

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