Can’t Knock the Hustle: Giving Directors A Piece of Our Mind

In this week's episode, Mhkeeba discusses all of the feedback listeners wrote in about what they wish they could share with their directors of pro cheerleading and dance teams. Often the feedback received in pro cheerleading is a one-way street directed at the pro cheerleaders and dancers so this episode is an opportunity to share some constructive criticism for the directors from a different perspective. Mhkeeba covers everything including how directors select the team through the auditions process, how they manage the team with favoritism, how the team is marketed and overall how much of an impact they have over their team individually as well as within the broader pro cheerleading and dance community.

Where to Listen

In this week's episode, Mhkeeba discusses all of the feedback listeners wrote in about what they wish they could share with their directors of pro cheerleading and dance teams.  Often the feedback received in pro cheerleading is a one-way street directed at the pro cheerleaders and dancers so this episode is an opportunity to share some constructive criticism for the directors from a different perspective.  Mhkeeba covers everything including how directors select the team through the auditions process, how they manage the team with favoritism, how the team is marketed and overall how much of an impact they have over their team individually as well as within the broader pro cheerleading and dance community.  

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