Ep. 7: TJ Fischer

Pro race car driver, TJ Fischer, joins us to discuss sprint car racing, driving in the Porsche North American Carrera Cup as well as long distance, desert racing. We discuss the mental and physical toll it takes to be in the driver's seat and how he operates in the Four Realms, to prepare himself for a race.

Where to Listen

Pro race car driver, TJ Fischer, joins us to discuss sprint car racing, driving in the Porsche North American Carrera Cup as well as long distance, desert racing. TJ walks us through his background and how he got involved in racing. We discuss the different types of races he does, and what goes in to preparing for each one. TJ also talks about the mental and physical toll of driving and what he does in the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental realms to stay, ahead of the game. @tjfischer @sageelitehealing @aheadofthegamepodcast