Dainty Lady Finger Cake, the victimology of Robby Mast, and the Lady Killer Mataviejitas

Mother's Day Mayhem

Where to Listen

This episode is dedicated to CJ at the Beyond the Rainbow Podcast for helping Karen with her Twittering.  Tonight, Karen assembles a Lady Finger Cake to celebrate Mother’s Day.  Anne presents the senseless murder of Robby Mast by Lindsay Haugen in Montanna.  Then, Karen discusses a lady killer in Mexico that preyed upon elderly women.  Known as Mataviajitas, Juana Brazzana started out as a professional wrestler in the lucha libra community of Mexico City, Mexico.  Unfortunately, she chooses violence in her personal life and takes her frustrations about her mother on innocent elderly women.
#ladyfingercake #evanwilliamsbourbon #ladykillers #montanna #mexico