#047 Movie Magic (The Be A Man Experience)

This week Be a Man, John Fiore and Tonzo talk about going to the movies in the old days, Streaming wars, Double features, Projectionists, Ushers, raising hell at the movies, The popcorn trick. The butter machine, Seeing classic movies in the theatres, Movies with the boys, Peep shows, Date nights and more....

Where to Listen

This week Be a Man, John Fiore and Tonzo talk about going to the movies in the old days, Streaming wars, Double features, Projectionists, Ushers, raising hell at the movies, The popcorn trick. The butter machine, Seeing classic movies in the theatres, Movies with the boys, Peep shows, Date night, Smoking at the movies, Sneaking in the movies. When the Oscars meant something, Woke Re-boots, Swapping stubs, Going to the movies by yourself, People who talk during the movies. Porno Drive-In, Movie theatre attendants, and the future of movie theatres.

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