S1E9. Well-Being & Anti-Racism Work

What is involved in anti-racism work? Is it tied to well-being? Does anti-racism work involve action? How can we be allies? Learn the answers to these questions and more as Dianne and Selam have a conversation around anti-racism work, what it involves, and how to ACTUALLY be successful at it.

Where to Listen

Dive into a deep topic with Dianne Bondy and Selam Debs as they dive into a conversation around anti-racism training, experiences they’ve had as Black mothers, and talk about action around anti-racism training vs. systemic change. Learn how to properly become an ally to marginalized voices, and use your assets to the advantage of others. What place can anti-racism take in your well-being and the promotion of well-being to others? How can you begin to include this into your practice of well-being daily? What questions should you be asking yourself and seeking the right answers for?