Patrick interviews Danielle Caminiti ESQ, Owner of Have U Covered LLC, and a practicing litigator in NYC for 2 decades. She is also a Culinary Artist and Founder of Have U Covered in The Kitchen. On today’s podcast, Danielle discusses her transition from the courtroom to the kitchen. The backstory behind “Have U Covered in the Kitchen” and #fromlitigationtosalivation on Instagram, her website...

Where to Listen

Patrick interviews Danielle Caminiti ESQ, Owner of Have U Covered LLC, and a practicing litigator in NYC for 2 decades. She is also a Culinary Artist and Founder of Have U Covered in The Kitchen. On today’s podcast, Danielle discusses her transition from the courtroom to the kitchen. The backstory behind “Have U Covered in the Kitchen” and #fromlitigationtosalivation on Instagram, her website...